How To Use Virgin Coconut Oil As Makeup Remover


I don't wear makeup every day, but when I do, I certainly make sure to clean it all up before going to sleep. Virgin coconut oil works great for this-- it's effective and safe to use, even for removing eye makeup. It will also moisturize your skin!

To use as makeup remover, just put it on a cotton ball (or cotton pad) and gently rub the makeup away. The key word is "gently". So for stubborn makeup like waterproof or smudge-proof eyeliner, pat the area first with VCO, and let the makeup soak it up. It will soften up and then you can easily remove it with some more VCO.

When you're done, wipe away the excess VCO, and wash your face. Of course, I use a VCO-based organic soap for this purpose.

You can also use VCO as a skin moisturizer, underarm deodorant, lip balm, healing balm (for sunburns, wounds, and rashes), cooking oil, food supplement, and ingredient in the yummiest DIY homemade mantecado (butter vanilla) paleo ice cream ever!

And yes, it really does work as a deodorant-- I've used it many times, although right now I personally prefer cocoa butter which has a more neutral scent. VCO has a strong coconut scent, which may overpower other scents you're wearing.

VCO is a Filipino product that's widely available at many shops on our Sustainable Shopping Guide, but also at some drug stores and supermarkets. I know Mercury drug store carries a few VCO brands. Just make sure the VCO you buy is labeled "cold-pressed".

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